CyberTech Systems And Software
CYBERTECH · IT > IT - Software · Chairman: Vish Tadimety Listing date: Jan. 27, 1999 · Employees: 434 · Thane ·

Cybertech Systems and Software Limited was incorporated on January 19, 1995 as a Public Limited Company under the Companies Act 1956 and obtained the Certificate for Commencement of Business from the Registrar of Companies Maharashtra on January 31, 1995.

It specialises in the System Application Products (SAP) post implementation, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), custom solutions and public sector related consultancy services. The services are delivered through a network of 7 centers across the globe.

With infotech enabling enterprises to operate seamlessly, the world has been transformed into a more manageable space for the innumerable enterprises that dot the global business-scape.

The company’s depth of technical and domain expertise, allows them deliver cost effective and quality solutions. Cutting through a diverse range of business problems for clients in large and small to medium enterprises it engaged in business, services, manufacturing and even the Government.

What distinguishes a CyberTech engagement is the quality of the service or solution. Backed by years of expertise and proven processes services are delivered on budget, on time, across technologies and industries.

Services offered by the company:

  • SAP Post Implementation
  • GIS
  • Custom Solutions
  • Public Sector-related consultancy services

Achievements/ recognition:

  • ISO 9001:2000 compliance, since the year 2000.
  • Received Partner in Excellence Award from ESRI on 8th March 2004