Giriraj Civil Developers
GIRIRAJ · Infrastructure > Engineering - Construction · MD: Mahesh Kantilal Shah · Listing date: April 2, 2018

The company was incorporated as ‘Giriraj Civil Developers Private Limited’ on October 19, 2005 under the Companies Act, 1956 with the Registrar of Companies, Mumbai at Maharashtra. The status of the company was changed to a public limited company and the name of the company was changed to ‘Giriraj Civil Developers Limited’ by a special resolution passed on December 26, 2017. A fresh certificate of incorporation consequent to the change of name was granted to the company on January 22, 2018, by the Registrar of Companies, Mumbai at Maharashtra.

The company was incorporated with an aim to provide infrastructure and construction services. After receiving the certificate of incorporation, they took over the running business of their promoter, ‘Giriraj Enterprises’, a sole proprietorship on February 20, 2006.

Business area of the Company

The company is civil works contracting and engineering company. The company’s current concentration is on the Railway sector projects, where they undertake a wide scope of work which includes construction of foot over bridges, platform extensions; sick line sheds, stabling lines etc. However, they have not limited themselves to the railways and also venture into other infrastructural projects for government / semi-government bodies like MCGM and MRVC and for various private players. Most of their projects undertaken are in the states of Maharashtra and Gujarat. The company has successfully completed several projects since inception in 2005 and currently has 21 ongoing projects. The company is also engaged in trading activities, wherein they trade construction materials, mainly steel and cement.

Major Events and Milestones:

  • 2005: Incorporated under Companies Act, 1956 as ‘Giriraj Civil Developers Private Limited’. 
  • 2007: Completed the first Railway project.
  • 2009: Completed the first tender for MTNL & MCGM.
  • 2010: Formed out first joint venture with Moksha Construction.
  • 2014: Generated revenue from operation of over Rs 5,000 Lakhs.
  • 2018: Conversion of the company from private limited to public limited and consequently name of the company was changed to ‘Giriraj Civil Developers Limited’.