HB Stockholdings was initially incorporated under the name of HB Portfolio Leasing with the main object of providing all fund and non fund based financial services. Later the company also made a foray in real estate development. The name of the company was subsequently changed on 19th February 1997 to the present name of HB Stockholdings Limited.
HB Stockholdings Ltd. is an Investment company belonging to the Delhi based HB Group & has huge value in investments in various quoted equities.
Pursuant to a Scheme of Arrangement sanctioned by the Delhi High Court vide its orders dated 29/10/1996 and 28/11/1996 the company's operations were restructured by demerger of the Real Estate Division to HB Estate Developers Limited and the Merchant and Investment Banking Division to HB Portfolio Limited.
Buisness area of the company:
The company presently carries on the activities of investment in securities (Sale and Purchase of Securities) and is a registered with Reserve Bank of India as a Non Banking Financial Company.