Lambodhara Textiles
LAMBODHARA · Textiles & Apparels > Textile - Spinning Listing date: Feb. 4, 2015 · Employees: 369 · Coimbatore ·

Lambodhara Textiles Company is a spinning mill engaged in the production of synthetic yarns. It has been in excistence since 1994. It started with a spindleage of 2,160 spindles and over the period of time it has been increased to 16,232 spindles.

The company expanded capacity mainly through internal generation with minimum debt. In 2005-06 the company availed loans under tufs to modernize 16,232 spindles and revamped the entire back process to adopt the latest technology available at a cost of 6 crores.

In the year 2007-08 the company implemented a modernization cum expansion program to increase the spindleage to 25,016 spindles.

The products of the company have been well established in the domestic market. The company also established to export yarn as soon as the modernization program is complete, that by Jan. 2008.

The company has also commenced production of slub yarns for knitting and has been very successful in marketing the same and the volumes are picking up multi fold month over month.

With the removal of quotas the textile industry has been vibrant and has been benefited the company directly. The company has also established certain niche products helping the bottom lines products helping the bottom lines to a great extent.

Product range of the company includes:

The company produces high quality yarn for weaving

  • Viscose Yarn        10s VSF Yarn, 15s VSF Yarn, 34s VSF Yarn
  • Viscose Fancy Yarn        10s VSF Slub Yarn, 15s VSF Slub Yarn        30s VSF Slub Yarn, 60s Modal Slub Yarn        15s VSF Nep Yarn 
  • Polyester Viscose Yarn        42/1 PV Yarn, 42/2 PV Yarn        54/1 PV Yarn, 45/1 PV Yarn 
  • PV Fancy Yarn        30s PV Slub Yarn, 40s PV Slub Yarn        50s PV Slub Yarn, 40s PV Slub Nep Yarn        50s PV Slub Nep Yarn 
  • Normal & Fancy Yarn