Lucent Industries
LUCENT · Consumer Services > Educational Institutions Listing date: Feb. 23, 2016

The company was originally incorporated in Indore as Sylph Education Solutions Private Limited on January 29, 2010 under the Companies Act, 1956 vide certificate of incorporation issued by the Registrar of Companies, Madhya Pradesh. Subsequently, the company was converted into public limited Company and name of the company was changed to “Sylph Education Solutions Limited” vide fresh certificate of Incorporation dated March 04, 2014 issued by the Registrar of Companies, Madhya Pradesh. The Registered office of the company is situated at ST-4, 22 Press Complex, A B road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh.

Business area of the company

The company provides educational services in the field of information technology (I.T) which is comprises of providing basic I.T training at two centers namely ‘Little Wonder’, a primary school and ‘IT Gurus’. The company is tutoring basic computer knowledge, internet, surfing, computer courses like Microsoft office, accounting and financial management, inventory management, statutory capabilities, capabilities, accounting courses like tally, various computer languages i.e C++,.Net, Java and Oracle, communication and soft skills etc. The company’s income is mainly comprises of sale of software, skill development fees, services provided to school and interest income.