Parabolic Drugs
PARABDRUGS · Pharma > Pharmaceuticals & Drugs · MD: Pranav Gupta · Listing date: July 1, 2010

Parabolic Drugs was incorporated on February 22, 1996 under the Companies Act, 1956, with the Registrar of Companies, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh. The company is promoted by Pranav Gupta, Vineet Gupta, PNG Trading Private Limited (PNG) and Parabolic Infrastructure Private Limited (PIPL).

At present, the company is currently own and operate two manufacturing facilities at Derabassi, Punjab, and Panchkula, Haryana. It commenced commercial operations in February 1998 by setting up a unit at Sundhran, Derabassi, to manufacture SSPs. Currently, it has six units at Sundhran, Derabassi, for manufacturing the oral and sterile range of Cephalosporin APIs and intermediates. The facility at Sundhran, Derabassi, is WHO-GMP and ISO-14001 certified.

Parabolic Drugs started its second facility at Panchkula in fiscal year 2005. Currently, the Panchkula facility has two units manufacturing SSPs and API intermediates such as 6-APA. It is also in the process of setting up a custom synthesis and research and development (R&D) centre at Barwala, Haryana, for development and scale-up of new APIs and APIs intermediates in all therapeutic segments, including non-antibiotic products. This facility is expected to commence operations in the last quarter of fiscal year 2010, to focus on providing contract research services to innovator companies.

In addition, the company is in the process of setting up another manufacturing facility at Chachrauli, Derabassi, to manufacture the non-antibiotic range of APIs, which is expected to commence commercial operations in the third quarter of fiscal year 2011.

The company’s product portfolio presently comprises 42 APIs and seven API intermediates which are marketed and exported domestically in the market. It supplies its products to approximately 45 countries, including regulated markets. It has filed 15 dossiers with the relevant regulatory authorities to increase its penetration in the regulated markets. This includes six DMFs filed with the USFDA, one DMF filed with the Bureau of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Canada and eight dossiers filed with the EDQM, including two for which it has received Certificates of Suitability (CoS) from the EDQM, for supplying Amoxicillin and Flucloxacillin Sodium for the European markets. Currently, it supplies 6-APA from its Panchkula facility for the US markets conforming to the regulations prescribed by the USFDA.

The company has an established R&D setup which comprises chemical and analytical research laboratories at our facility at Sundhran, Derabassi. The company’s focus is on developing non-infringing processes for new molecules for expansion of its product portfolio, existing process improvements and production cost efficiencies. Its R&D department has led the company to successfully launch additional sterile and oral products over the years. During fiscal year 2010, products such as Ceftazidime, Cefotiam, Ceftizoxime and Cephalothin were launched to further widen its product range.

It has made eight applications for the process patents, of which seven patent applications have been filed with the Indian Patent Office, and one international process patent for manufacturing Cefuroxime Axetil filed under the PCT.

Business area of the company

The company is presently engaged in the manufacturing, including contract manufacturing, of APIs and API intermediates for the domestic market as well as for exports to international markets, including regulated markets.

Subsidiary of the company

Parabolic Labs: The company was incorporated as a private limited company under the Companies Act, 1956 on November 21, 2007 and received its Certificate for Commencement of business on January 3, 2008.

Parabolic Labs is authorized to engage in the business of manufacturing, buying, selling, repacking C&F agents, manipulating, importing, exporting, distributing and trading in or otherwise dealing in all types of basic drugs, pharmaceuticals, medicines, preparations, compounds, spirits, patent medicines, drugs, mineral waters, 96 chemicals, petrochemicals, etc., to carry on work relating to contract research on drugs manufactured by other manufacturers and to carry on research for the development of new drugs.

Group companies

  • Pranav Gupta Family Trust (PGFT)
  • Vineet Gupta Family Trust (VGFT)
  • Vineet Packaging Industries (VPI)
  • Jamboree Education (JEPL)
  • Parabolic Estates (PEPL)
  • Skyview Infotech (Skyview)


  • 1996: Incorporated and received Certificate for Commencement of business
  • 1998: Commencement of commercial production of oral Semi Synthetic Penicillin APIs at Derabassi
  • 1999: Initiated contractual manufacturing services
  • 2003: Entered into export market through direct and third-party exports.
  • 2004: Set up of our regulatory affairs department for the filings of our dossiers
  • 2005: Commenced commercial production from Unit-II at Panchkula and capacity enhanced by 360 TPA
  • 2005: Two dossiers filed in the European Union for CoS
  • 2005: Launch of our first Cephalosporin oral API (Cefixime Trihydrate)
  • 2005: The company was awarded WHO-GMP certificate for Amoxicillin Trihydrate and Flucloxacillin Sodium vide Certificate no.09 & 10 dated October 11, 2004
  • 2006: Commercial operation of new Cephalosporin API plant for Cefuroxime Axetil
  • 2006: USFDA approval for supply of 6-APA into US markets
  • 2007: Raised funding from Alden (formerly Minivet Limited) and Exquisite
  • 2007: Commercial operation of a new plant for manufacturing Sterile Semi Synthetic Penicillin API
  • 2007: Diversification into third and fourth generation Cephalosporin API
  • 2007: Commercial operation of new Cefuroxime Axetil (Amorphous) plant
  • 2008: CoS received from the EDQM for Amoxycillin and Flucloxacillin allowing exports to the European Union
  • 2008: Three dossiers filed in US and European Union
  • 2008: Commercial operation of new multipurpose block-I for Cephalosporins API
  • 2008: Three process patents filed with the Indian Patent Office
  • 2009: Eight dossiers filed in US, Canada and European Union
  • 2009: Raised funding from BTS
  • 2009: Commercial operation of new Cefuroxime Axetil plant with 100 TPA capacity
  • 2009: Launch of Sterile Cephalosporin APIs
  • 2009: Four process patents filed with the Indian Patent Office and one PCT application filed
  • 2010: Received an ISO 14001:2004 Management System Certificate from Det Norske Veritas
  • 2010: Diversified into custom synthesis for innovator companies under CRAMS model