Pulz Electronics
PULZ · Industrial > Electronics - Components · Chairman: Ramakrishnan MK · MD: Anirvan Partha Ghose · Listing date: Nov. 25, 2017

Pulz Electronics was incorporated as Pulz Electronics Private Limited under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 vide certificate of incorporation dated July25, 2005 Kolkata, West Bengal. Subsequently, Company was converted into public limited company pursuant to which the name of Company was changed to “Pulz Electronics Limited” vide fresh certificate of incorporation dated March 22, 2017.

Business area of the Company:

The company is involved in development and manufacturing of high quality audio system and solution using Co-Axial technology and line array based speaker systems for the cinema, Pro Audio, Studio and Home Audio Industries such as Co-Axial Surround Speaker, Hi Power and in wall Subwoofers, Hi Power Co-Axial Speakers etc. Pulz Electronics manufactures sound systems, which predominantly includes speakers and amplifiers. Company also imports from China and sell certain special types of amplifiers. Company also undertakes annual maintenance contract for audio systems. Pulz Electronics have a manufacturing facility located on the outskirts of Mumbai at Palghar, along with a large warehousing facility which is well stocked with off-the-shelf pulz products. The warehouse enables ultra-fast turnaround times for projects that require equipment at a shorter notice.

Major Events & Milestones:

  • 2005: Company was incorporated as Pulz Electronics Private Limited
  • 2017: Company was converted into Public Limited Company vide fresh certificate of Incorporation dated March 22, 2017.