SRG Housing Finance
SRGHFL · Financials > Finance - Housing Listing date: Sept. 11, 2012

SRG Housing Finance Limited, (SRGHFL) a Listed Housing Finance Company (HFC) registered under the Companies Act, 1956 was incorporated on 10th March, 1999, with the Registrar of Companies, Jaipur in the name of Vitalise Finlease Private Limited with an object to work in the field of housing finance.

The promoters had their efforts to start the business and with the vision to create a brand image of the company, change its name and subsequently converted it to Public Limited as SRG HOUSING FINANCE LTD.The company started its business operation after getting license from National Housing Bank. At present,the company is exclusively dealing with the housing loans having wide number of customer.

The company is providing loans under housing finance sector for construction, additions, alterations, repair & renovation purpose which has been declared as the priority sector lending by the Reserve Bank of India. Further SRGHFL got listed at SME Platform of BSE on September 11, 2012 through its Initial Public Offer.

Product & Services

  • Individual Home Loans- SparshHome loan, Home Revision Loan, Saral Plot Loans, Specialty Loan, Home Loan for Self Employed.
  • Special Loans- Wealth Loan, New Avenue Loan, NRI Housing Loans.

In 2012 - The Company launched a pilot project for Rural Housing Finance at Udaipur (Tehsil) headquarters.