Surat Trade and Mercantile

Surat Textile Mills was incorporated in 1945. The registered office of the company is situated at Garden Mills Complex,Sahara Gate, Surat,Gujarat-395010.

Business area of the company

The company’s principal activity is to manufacture yarn and polyester chips.

Products of the company

  • Cotton yarn
  • Synthetic filament yarn
  • Polyester chips.


  • 2003- The company was ranked 491st in Business Barons- Global Data Services of India’s list of India’s 500 most outstanding companies.
  • 2003- The company had ranked 888th in the 12th Business Today list of India’s most valuable private sector companies.
  • 2004- The company had received a composite score of 11 out of a possible 15 in Industry 2.0’s SCM Metrics study.
  • 2005- The company had re-appointed MR Momaya as director of the company and also appointed MR Momaya as the managing director of the company for a period of 5 years.
  • 2007- S M Vig was reappointed as the director of the company.
  • 2008- The board for industrial and financial reconstruction (BIFR) has approved the draft rehabilitation scheme (DRS) forwarded by Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI), the operating agency (OA).