Jyoti Resins&Adhesiv reports Profit after tax of Rs 88.16 Mln, in the September 2022 quarter
The Sales for the quarter ended September 2022 of Rs. 656.53 millions rose by 35.02% from Rs. 486.24 millions.The Net Profit of the company reported a remarkable increase of 103.23% to Rs. 88.16 millions from Rs. 43.38 millions in previous same quarter.Operating profit surged to 134.95 millions from the corresponding previous quarter of 60.31 millions. (Rs. in Million) Quarter ended Year to Date Year ended 202209 202109 % Var 202209 202109 % Var 202203 202103 % Var Sales 656.53 486.24 35.02 1295.61 756.30 71.31 1819.55 1012.94 79.63 Other Income 1.38 4.07 -66.09 3.44 12.29 -72.01 34.51 64.24 -46.28 PBIDT 134.95 60.31 123.76 245.89 108.21 127.23 272.11 168.61 61.38 Interest 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.01 0.13 -92.31 0.46 0.66 -30.30 PBDT 134.95 60.26 123.95 245.88 108.08 127.50 271.65 167.95 61.74 Depreciation 4.29 1.88 128.19 6.98 3.52 98.30 7.07 6.22 13.67 PBT 130.66 58.38 123.81 238.90 104.56 128.48 264.58 161.73 63.59 TAX 42.50 15.00 183.33 60.00 25.00 140.00 66.95 40.08 67.04 Deferred Tax 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.08 462.50 PAT 88.16 43.38 103.23 178.90 79.56 124.86 197.63 121.65 62.46 Equity 120.00 40.00 200.00 120.00 40.00 200.00 40.00 40.00 0.00 PBIDTM(%) 20.56 12.40 65.72 18.98 14.31 32.65 14.95 16.65 -10.16
Source: Accord