Abhijit Chakrawarti · @abhijit.chakrawarti · 0 Followers
14.9% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (22 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
HDFC 0% 1,398 2,730 95.2%
HDFCBANK 1.2% 656 1,772 170.3%
SAMMAANCAP 1.2% 794 152 80.8%
INDUSINDBK 3.5% 1,303 930 28.6%
RBLBANK 7.0% 390 153 60.8%
YESBANK 2.6% 280 19.8 92.9%
AARTIDRUGS 1.0% 154 428 177.4%
APLAPOLLO 1.5% 110 1,560 1317.5%
WIPRO 2.4% 172 305 77.8%
RELIANCE 2.0% 517 1,206 133.3%
AXISBANK 3.3% 491 1,072 118.5%
TEXINFRA 3.2% 43.5 132 203.5%
THOMASCOOK 2.5% 193 205 5.9%
NECCLTD 4.6% 102 33.6 66.9%
RUCHIRA 3.5% 113 133 17.5%
MOHITE 5.0% 26.2 58.6 123.8%
MORARKAFIN 2.6% 23.1 155 570.2%
ALEMBICLTD 4.1% 35.7 140 290.8%
MARSONS 3.8% 16.1 217 1244.9%
OPTOCIRCUI 0% 10.3 1.78 82.8%
GUJNRECOKE 0% 2.95 0.9 69.5%
BASANTAGRO 0% 7.45 18.8 152.8%