Acacia Banyan Partners · @acacia.banyan.partners4 · 0 Followers
18.0% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (21 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
BAJAJHLDNG 2.7% 3,377 9,902 193.3%
NETWORK18 0.9% 67.2 84.8 26.2%
CIEINDIA 0.3% 166 610 268.0%
CAMS 0.4% 1,401 3,762 168.4%
3MINDIA 1.7% 6,450 39,337 509.9%
ALLCARGO 0.5% 38.9 64.1 64.9%
GTPL 0.6% 163 176 8.2%
BSOFT 1.0% 184 708 285.5%
SOUTHBANK 1.8% 19.6 26.6 35.4%
KPITTECH 0.7% 85.6 1,681 1864.8%
ENIL 2.9% 532 248 53.5%
DEN 0.1% 122 55.1 55.0%
VESUVIUS 4.0% 705 5,450 673.6%
NRBBEARING 2.4% 94.3 336 256.2%
ORTEL 4.6% 191 1.67 99.1%
VINDHYATEL 1.9% 505 2,569 409.0%
ZEEMEDIA 0.3% 12.2 15.7 28.9%
LAKHNNATNL 0.2% 295 525 78.0%
CONSOFINVT 0% 77.6 152 95.7%
ESABINDIA 0.1% 692 6,105 782.7%
NITCO 0.1% 49.5 76.4 54.3%