Achintya Securities Private Limited · @achintya.securities · 1 Followers
4.8% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Oil & Gas
Portfolio (19 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
BLISSGVS 4.4% 205 130 36.8%
GATECHDVR 0% 12.2 1.19 90.3%
JPPOWER 0.7% 15.6 17 9.2%
VIKASLIFE 0.7% 5.78 4.48 22.5%
GATECH 4.7% 6.82 1.21 82.3%
SUZLON 3.0% 13.8 83.4 503.6%
HCC 3.0% 21.7 43.1 98.4%
URJA 1.0% 37.6 20.7 45.0%
GSS 3.7% 50 74.3 48.7%
BTML 2.0% 2.96 12.3 316.6%
SELAN 0.9% 157 859 445.3%
EMMBI 2.1% 83.8 142 69.3%
HMVL 0.9% 80.9 89.2 10.2%
PEARLPOLY 6.0% 45.3 42.2 6.9%
KBCGLOBAL 2.1% 1.99 1.94 2.6%
VAKRANGEE 3.6% 21.9 24.9 14.0%
MARSHALL 2.1% 44.5 36.1 18.9%
SUULD 0% 21.1 5.73 72.9%
INVENTURE 1.3% 2.51 2.38 5.2%
Followers (1)