Aditya Birla Sun Life Trustee Private Limited A/C Aditya Birla Sun Life Equity Fund · @aditya.birla.sun94 · 0 Followers
19.0% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Consumer Durables
Portfolio (21 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
TECHM 0.3% 707 1,461 106.6%
CENTURYTEX 1.8% 1,031 2,282 121.3%
UNITDSPR 0.4% 463 1,254 171.0%
ATUL 0.2% 3,900 6,754 73.2%
BLUESTARCO 6.5% 822 1,711 108.2%
METROPOLIS 2.3% 1,379 2,036 47.7%
BHARATFORG 0.6% 606 1,673 175.8%
IRCTC 2.0% 275 1,026 272.8%
PVRINOX 0.1% 1,605 1,468 8.5%
EXIDEIND 0.3% 193 568 194.6%
ACC 2.0% 963 2,669 177.0%
CASTROLIND 0.3% 183 252 37.7%
TATACOMM 0.6% 693 1,888 172.6%
RBLBANK 1.3% 267 263 1.6%
BEL 2.1% 23 324 1307.7%
TATACHEM 0.2% 692 1,102 59.1%
MGL 1.9% 1,096 1,699 55.0%
RADICO 0.3% 342 1,716 401.8%
CESC 5.7% 85 168 97.8%
DISHTV 0.8% 38.7 15.5 59.9%
DCAL 0.3% 252 173 31.6%