Akash Bhanshali · @akash.bhanshali1 · 0 Followers
16.3% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Building Materials
Portfolio (30 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
SUDARSCHEM 2.4% 385 897 133.1%
IDFC 1.8% 43.7 119 172.4%
WELCORP 0.6% 139 612 339.7%
GFLLIMITED 0.6% 737 80.1 89.1%
PRSMJOHNSN 1.4% 117 164 40.3%
SCHNEIDER 4.6% 114 880 669.7%
AMBER -0.0% 1,245 4,502 261.6%
MAHLOG 0.0% 449 520 15.8%
LAURUSLABS 0.5% 85.8 475 453.5%
HATHWAY 0.9% 39 23 40.9%
ZODIACLOTH 4.1% 258 147 43.2%
BALRAMCHIN 0.6% 64.2 424 560.4%
SANDHAR 3.0% 322 558 73.1%
VASCONEQ 3.6% 29.5 75.3 155.2%
RKFORGE 2.6% 51.6 958 1755.9%
MAHSEAMLES 2.4% 87.4 638 629.8%
POLYPLEX 2.6% 420 1,052 150.1%
GREENLAM 2.4% 83.3 585 602.1%
MERCATOR 0% 48.3 0.84 98.3%
TITAGARH 0.4% 102 1,823 1684.6%
USHAMART 0.9% 26.6 407 1432.8%
PARAGMILK 1.3% 97 179 84.3%
APLAPOLLO 1.1% 37.8 1,552 4011.9%
IWEL 3.6% 199 7,650 3743.3%
PRATIBHA 0% 46.6 0.95 98.0%
ANSALAPI 5.0% 23.9 10.7 55.1%
FELDVR 0.5% 57.4 5.98 89.6%
CAREERP 3.1% 170 402 136.5%
GEECEE 1.3% 45.7 394 762.7%
KHAITANELE 0% 50.5 1.35 97.3%