Allahabad Bank · · 0 Followers
32.1% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Textiles & Apparels
Building Materials
Portfolio (12 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
BAJAJHIND 0.6% 15.2 40.7 166.9%
BRFL 0% 126 1.82 98.6%
SEPC 2.2% 26 18.2 30.1%
DIACABS 2.0% 30.8 1,239 3922.1%
MSPL 3.3% 22 28 27.2%
3IINFOLTD 0.5% 6.34 40.4 537.9%
GAMMONIND 0% 12.4 1.65 86.7%
PRATIBHA 0% 13.2 0.95 92.8%
ORISSAMINE 2.0% 1,567 7,264 363.6%
IL&FSENGG 5.0% 60.5 23.5 61.1%
ZICOM 0% 41.8 1.6 96.2%
UNITY 0% 11.4 0.85 92.5%