Anand Rathi Global Finance Limited · @anand.rathi.global1 · 0 Followers
22.8% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Textiles & Apparels
Portfolio (19 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
NCLIND 0.0% 225 246 9.3%
TI 0.9% 22 244 1008.2%
HUBTOWN 2.8% 101 178 77.2%
RUSHIL 1.0% 339 349 2.9%
PARSVNATH 6.2% 16.7 13.2 20.9%
SANGAMIND 0.8% 243 410 68.6%
GOKUL 0% 23 39.2 70.2%
MANGLMCEM 0.2% 223 893 300.0%
EMAMIPAP 5.9% 73.5 134 81.6%
GOKULAGRO 1.4% 21 176 738.2%
VIPULLTD 5.0% 61 50.4 17.4%
EMAMIREAL 0.6% 163 102 37.3%
RPPINFRA 0.5% 208 142 32.0%
CEREBRAINT 2.3% 25.9 6.5 75.0%
BASML 0.6% 66.2 48.6 26.6%
TGBHOTELS 0.9% 68.5 16.7 75.6%
PREMIER 4.7% 2.85 4.45 56.1%
INDTERRAIN 2.5% 32.3 75.3 133.1%
EXCEL 1.4% 0.07 0.71 868.2%