Antara India Evergreen Fund Ltd · @antara.india.evergreen5 · 0 Followers
19.9% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (15 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
FORBESGOK 1.5% 495 684 38.2%
DHANBANK 1.2% 36.7 38.2 4.0%
USHAMART 0.8% 30.2 355 1074.7%
RKFORGE 0.8% 91.9 1,018 1007.0%
ACCURACY 0% 16.6 12.6 24.2%
PAISALO 0.4% 39.1 61.1 56.4%
NILAINFRA 1.2% 9.51 12.8 34.3%
DEEPINDS 1.9% 40.9 440 976.6%
LYPSAGEMS 1.2% 45.2 8.74 80.6%
RPPINFRA 1.6% 90.1 196 117.6%
SAMPANN 1.2% 3.95 28.8 627.8%
KAVVERITEL 2.0% 8.5 43.5 411.2%
WEBELSOLAR 5.0% 45.9 1,112 2321.9%
NILASPACES 2.0% 1.05 12 1045.7%
VINNY 4.8% 15.6 3.39 78.2%