Apms Investment Fund Limited · @apms.investment.fund3 · 0 Followers
13.6% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Oil & Gas
Portfolio (16 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
JSWSTEEL 1.0% 266 954 259.0%
ADANIPOWER 0.5% 89.3 709 693.8%
ADANIENSOL 1.1% 199 1,013 409.1%
ATGL 0.6% 104 891 756.2%
ADANIENT 0.1% 135 3,148 2231.7%
ADANIGREEN 0.7% 46.9 1,754 3640.0%
RAJESHEXPO 0.4% 142 287 101.9%
GODFRYPHLP 0.4% 437 4,333 890.8%
INDORAMA 1.1% 22.2 47.1 111.6%
VISASTEEL 0% 17.2 28 62.7%
ISIBARS 4.8% 3.75 3.98 6.1%
RUCHINFRA 5.3% 7.9 14.4 82.4%
SOMATEX 0.7% 2.85 33.5 1076.8%
MODIPON 20.0% 52.4 52.8 0.7%
WELINV 3.6% 37.1 830 2137.2%
WEBELSOLAR 1.2% 17.4 572 3198.3%