Arcadia Share And Stock Brokers Pvt Ltd · @arcadia.share.and9 · 0 Followers
10.1% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (24 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
WINPRO 1.4% 48.5 2.18 95.5%
STEELXIND 0.6% 12 14.1 17.8%
GATECH 3.3% 17.4 1.25 92.8%
OPTIEMUS 2.0% 59 373 531.6%
ASTRON 5.0% 114 27.3 76.0%
INDSWFTLAB 4.6% 46.5 133 185.9%
GATECHDVR 0% 5.15 3.08 40.2%
EXCEL 1.4% 0.54 0.69 27.5%
20MICRONS 1.4% 37.4 224 501.1%
PGEL 0.1% 149 3,693 2382.0%
GPTINFRA 5.0% 64.5 157 143.5%
KBCGLOBAL 9.5% 3.02 2.2 27.1%
ADROITINFO 2.6% 53.8 17.8 66.9%
RIIL 0.6% 623 1,388 122.9%
PIONEEREMB 0.1% 27.9 48.5 73.5%
BHARATGEAR 0.7% 46.7 114 144.9%
GSS 5.0% 44.6 97.3 118.3%
GOLDTECH 0.2% 5.73 147 2461.0%
BHANDARI 1.7% 2.9 7.94 173.8%
GMBREW 1.0% 257 902 251.0%
CEREBRAINT 0.8% 68.2 6.5 90.5%
ONWARDTEC 0.9% 71.3 416 483.5%
TGBHOTELS 0.6% 59.9 16.7 72.0%
MADHAV 0.2% 45.6 47.9 4.9%