Arham Share Private Limited · @arham.share · 0 Followers
15.8% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Textiles & Apparels
Portfolio (10 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
RAMASTEEL 2.2% 7.3 14.3 95.9%
MARSHALL 6.9% 70.9 35.5 50.0%
LAMBODHARA 0.2% 195 170 12.6%
KAYA 1.4% 391 446 14.3%
VERTOZ 5.0% 8.27 27.5 232.7%
UNIVASTU 4.6% 94.5 211 123.6%
STEELXIND 0% 23 12.6 45.3%
VAISHALI 2.1% 105 189 80.4%
SELAN 1.7% 755 878 16.4%
PRECISION 0% 54.8 41.3 24.7%