Ashish Kumar · @ashish.kumar · 0 Followers
26.0% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Consumer Durables
Textiles & Apparels
Portfolio (10 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
DIXON 7.4% 2,120 13,982 559.6%
KELLTONTEC 1.7% 93.3 146 56.5%
HDFCBANK 0.3% 694 1,671 140.7%
ARVIND -0.0% 264 405 53.4%
RBLBANK 0.2% 611 215 64.9%
ANUP 1.4% 605 2,231 268.7%
V2RETAIL 2.9% 420 1,133 169.7%
SAFARI 1.0% 3,497 2,531 27.6%
YESBANK 0.9% 178 23.5 86.8%
WONDERLA 1.3% 311 852 174.2%