Ashish Nikhare · @ashish72 · 0 Followers
14.5% IRR
Member since April 25, 2020
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@ashish72 shares his portfolio only with followers.
Watchlist (12 stocks)
Company LTP Change
EBBETF0430 1454.1 0.1%
LTGILTBEES 27.7 0.1%
LICNETFGSC 27.2 0.1%
GOLDBEES 72.3 0.3%
GOLD1 72.7 0.3%
GOLDIETF 74.5 0.3%
MON100 179.4 1.0%
NV20BEES 139.9 0.8%
NV20 141.5 1.0%
NV20IETF 13.7 0.6%
LOWVOLIETF 19.7 0.4%
SBIETFQLTY 198.0 0.5%