Ashoka India Equity Investment Trust Plc · @ashoka.india.equity · 0 Followers
25.2% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Consumer Durables
Portfolio (14 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
DODLA 1.1% 509 1,212 138.1%
CAMS 1.6% 2,766 4,345 57.1%
LXCHEM 2.0% 164 308 87.0%
CROMPTON 1.2% 400 463 15.7%
STOVEKRAFT 0.7% 446 826 85.3%
ONWARDTEC 2.5% 564 416 26.3%
NYKAA 0.5% 208 216 3.9%
SAFARI 0.3% 765 2,472 223.2%
ZOMATO 2.0% 112 260 132.0%
AURUM 0.9% 820 225 72.5%
CSBBANK 1.2% 353 315 10.8%
SYNGENE 0.8% 560 900 60.7%
POLICYBZR 0.3% 1,325 1,715 29.5%
AJANTPHARM 0.7% 1,160 3,354 189.1%