Ashwin Stocks And Investment Private Limited · @ashwin.stocks.and2 · 1 Followers
4.5% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (25 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
FRETAIL 0% 57.5 2.41 95.8%
RIIL 0.9% 836 1,181 41.3%
BECTORFOOD 3.7% 585 1,792 206.2%
URJA 0.5% 17 21.2 24.7%
RBA 1.3% 131 106 19.1%
SALZERELEC 2.3% 324 991 205.8%
TRIGYN 1.1% 207 117 43.3%
KMSUGAR 2.9% 38 40.9 7.7%
DWARKESH 2.6% 74.7 73.6 1.5%
GOACARBON 0.7% 909 783 13.8%
ACLGATI 3.2% 120 106 11.8%
REFEX 3.6% 29.8 488 1535.5%
INVENTURE 1.2% 4.6 2.46 46.5%
SAKHTISUG 3.7% 30.8 39.4 27.9%
VIMTALABS 0.1% 125 642 413.0%
RELINFRA 1.5% 36.4 216 493.4%
APOLLO 4.2% 49.9 112 123.7%
SPMLINFRA 3.2% 118 258 119.0%
DHANBANK 1.1% 29.2 38.8 32.5%
BANG 10.4% 67.8 65.5 3.4%
HARRMALAYA 1.5% 114 236 107.1%
ARIES 0.2% 264 284 7.4%
ORTINGLOBE 1.1% 25.4 22.1 13.0%
AGRITECH 0.7% 134 210 56.5%
KSK 0% 2.54 0.55 78.3%
Followers (1)