Aspire Emerging Fund · · 0 Followers
10.9% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Textiles & Apparels
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (18 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
BLISSGVS 2.4% 200 111 44.3%
RUSHIL 4.4% 943 359 61.9%
FILATEX 0.7% 21.9 55.7 154.3%
EXCEL 1.4% 2.56 0.68 73.4%
WIMSOMETEXT 2.9% 34.5 84 143.3%
MANINDS 4.5% 89.8 484 439.2%
A2ZINFRA 1.8% 29.9 21.2 29.0%
AKSHOPTFBR 4.9% 15.5 8.99 42.0%
KIRIINDUS 8.2% 106 363 241.2%
ELECTHERM 2.0% 193 735 281.6%
KPIGREEN 3.2% 63.4 1,839 2802.4%
HPBL 3.9% 82.7 163 97.6%
GSS 3.2% 34 100 195.0%
TRIVENSHET 4.3% 30.3 21 30.6%
PVVINFRA 2.0% 27.1 20 26.4%
VARDMNPOLY 0% 12.3 9.24 24.9%
VEERENERGY 0.9% 24.7 20.9 15.5%
GENESYS 0.9% 60 631 951.5%