Bharat Jayantilal Patel · @bharat.jayantilal.patel · 0 Followers
17.8% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Textiles & Apparels
Building Materials
Portfolio (13 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
RUBFILINTL 0.5% 92.4 87 5.8%
RAYMOND 0.6% 503 3,207 538.1%
TRANSPEK 0.6% 1,975 1,724 12.7%
KESORAMIND 0.7% 98.4 211 114.0%
CENTUM 1.5% 659 1,690 156.4%
TEXINFRA 1.9% 45.5 148 225.2%
SPIC 4.5% 20.1 89 343.7%
SESHAPAPER 0.9% 37.7 354 840.5%
MAFATLAIND 3.1% 41 195 374.9%
NCLIND 2.1% 39.9 249 524.6%
PONNIERODE 1.3% 136 530 289.4%
SHREYANIND 20.0% 39.9 332 733.5%
ESSENTIA 1.8% 0.95 3.9 310.5%