Bma Wealth Creators Ltd. · @bma.wealth.creators · 0 Followers
25.6% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (11 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
VINDHYATEL 1.2% 1,325 2,287 72.6%
MAITHANALL 1.2% 392 1,125 186.6%
SREEL 1.2% 181 279 54.4%
WEBELSOLAR 2.5% 45.1 1,016 2154.6%
MOHOTAIND 0% 150 4.56 97.0%
ARIES 2.7% 119 256 115.9%
GKB 0.7% 92.7 106 14.4%
GMBREW 0.5% 321 878 173.4%
MADHAV 1.6% 45.6 53.2 16.5%
ARENTERP 0.2% 17.6 46.1 161.5%
TOKYOPLAST 1.6% 29 122 321.2%