Bp Equities Private Limited · @bp.equities · 0 Followers
18.7% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (31 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
KAMATHOTEL 0.2% 140 231 64.8%
VASWANI 0.4% 23.6 33.9 44.0%
UTTAMSTL 0% 7.3 3.4 53.4%
CEREBRAINT 2.3% 14.6 6.5 55.5%
ROLTA 0% 4.32 5.26 21.8%
TEXMOPIPES 0.4% 38.2 76.2 99.5%
SITINET 1.5% 0.49 0.67 37.8%
HISARMETAL 1.1% 164 197 20.2%
RIIL 0.4% 617 1,371 122.1%
VISESHINFO 0% 0.1 0.41 310.0%
SICALLOG 0% 16.7 168 909.3%
HEADSUP 0.4% 18.5 11.8 35.9%
OCCL 1.0% 535 221 58.7%
ORTINLAB 0.4% 29.4 20.3 31.0%
ANSALHSG 3.6% 10.4 16.8 61.3%
RSSOFTWARE 5.0% 90.2 268 197.2%
GMBREW 16.4% 321 927 188.5%
HBSL 0.9% 76.9 109 41.2%
SALSTEEL 4.0% 22 23.3 5.9%
OMKARCHEM 4.9% 20.3 7.04 65.3%
HILTON 1.5% 78 80.1 2.7%
CALSOFT 5.0% 25.4 17.5 30.8%
TGBHOTELS 0.9% 12.7 16.7 31.4%
VENUSREM 0.2% 99.5 372 273.5%
PAEL 0% 7.14 4.11 42.4%
MAGNUM 0.5% 45.8 52.2 13.9%
SIMBHALS 1.5% 33.2 33.4 0.5%
KHANDSE 3.2% 41.6 29.3 29.6%
PRECISION 0% 50 41.3 17.3%
MADHAV 2.0% 45.6 49.6 8.6%
TOKYOPLAST 3.5% 29 125 331.6%