Bridge India Fund · @bridge.india.fund2 · 0 Followers
7.9% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Consumer Durables
Building Materials
Portfolio (14 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
INDUSINDBK 0.3% 802 1,383 72.3%
RAJESHEXPO 0.7% 142 281 97.7%
TPLPLASTEH 1.5% 63.4 102 61.4%
HGS 1.1% 321 792 146.8%
USHAMART 2.0% 26 349 1242.5%
NDLVENTURE 2.1% 321 113 64.7%
RAIN 2.1% 35.6 171 380.4%
FORBESGOK 0.2% 626 700 11.8%
VIPULLTD 5.0% 34.5 40 16.0%
TANEJAERO 0.0% 140 485 246.4%
OISL 0% 20.2 1.85 90.9%
KAVVERITEL 2.0% 15.3 47 208.3%
GENESYS 0.2% 68.4 761 1013.4%
SHLAKSHMI 0% 2.4 3.25 35.4%