Canara Robeco Mutual Fund A/C Canara Robeco Emerging Equities · @canara.robeco.mutual18 · 0 Followers
27.5% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Portfolio (25 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
MAXHEALTH 0.4% 218 914 318.9%
POLYCAB 0.5% 1,106 6,629 499.6%
UNOMINDA 0.4% 124 1,164 840.1%
CENTURYTEX 1.8% 719 2,282 217.5%
GUJGASLTD 1.9% 168 645 284.0%
ATUL 0.2% 3,549 6,754 90.3%
IPCALAB 1.4% 463 1,193 158.0%
LALPATHLAB 0.8% 1,389 2,884 107.7%
CESC 5.7% 72.5 168 131.8%
SCHAEFFLER 1.9% 1,108 4,589 314.3%
PARAGMILK 1.1% 226 181 19.9%
TCI 2.8% 244 972 299.2%
WABAG 1.1% 654 1,316 101.3%
TEXRAIL 7.2% 137 273 98.9%
TCIEXP 0.6% 472 1,236 161.8%
ISGEC 2.9% 573 1,358 137.1%
NAVINFLUOR 0.3% 546 3,660 570.8%
ASHOKA 0.5% 121 232 91.6%
CARERATING 2.5% 969 1,115 15.1%
RAYMOND 9.7% 472 3,227 583.7%
BSOFT 0.4% 127 715 461.5%
CANFINHOME 0.4% 370 887 139.6%
PRAJIND 0.2% 80.9 733 806.4%
NIITLTD 0.5% 86.7 117 35.1%
CAMLINFINE 1.4% 94 107 13.7%