Credit Suisse (Singapore) Limited · @credit.suisse.singapore · 0 Followers
9.1% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (26 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
AXISBANK 1.4% 450 1,011 124.7%
SAMMAANCAP 1.2% 656 109 83.4%
YESBANK 1.4% 157 16.1 89.7%
DIVISLAB 2.2% 1,140 5,666 397.1%
GLENMARK 1.5% 1,019 1,421 39.4%
VAKRANGEE 3.6% 119 12.2 89.7%
GMRAIRPORT 0.8% 17.1 73.6 330.2%
DELTACORP 0.9% 307 88.4 71.2%
APOLLOTYRE 1.2% 193 407 111.3%
STAR 3.0% 967 608 37.1%
NH 0.6% 264 1,574 497.0%
BALKRISIND 0.5% 306 2,546 730.7%
HDIL 3.4% 61.7 2.85 95.4%
ABAN 2.5% 502 40.1 92.0%
AEGISLOG 3.4% 66 736 1014.9%
EMBDL 3.0% 75.8 111 46.7%
KTKBANK 1.1% 132 172 30.3%
TREEHOUSE 4.3% 445 12.8 97.1%
JBCHEPHARM 4.2% 123 1,505 1126.6%
UNITECH 1.3% 6.25 6.75 8.0%
SONATSOFTW 3.5% 65.2 351 438.4%
HGS 2.0% 245 487 98.6%
PAISALO 2.0% 12 35.5 195.5%
NAVA 1.8% 76 409 438.8%
SHEMAROO 3.0% 163 96.5 40.9%
SASKEN 0.6% 243 1,453 498.8%