Cresta Fund Ltd · @cresta.fund4 · 0 Followers
55.9% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Oil & Gas
Portfolio (27 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
ADANIPORTS 0.2% 278 1,475 430.8%
ABFRL 3.4% 212 323 51.8%
ATGL 0.8% 77 888 1053.0%
ADANIPOWER 0.1% 41.2 718 1642.1%
AMTEKAUTO 0% 180 2.75 98.5%
ADANIENT 0.2% 88.3 3,183 3503.5%
ADANIENSOL 0.2% 32.7 1,000 2960.9%
GRASIM 2.1% 1,840 2,725 48.1%
CASTEXTECH 0% 75 0.8 98.9%
APLLTD 5.4% 490 924 88.5%
ADANIGREEN 0.7% 39.9 1,776 4346.3%
ELPROINTL 2.5% 60.9 103 68.7%
VISASTEEL 5.0% 14.8 26.6 79.8%
JSLHISAR 0% 40.1 561 1298.4%
VISHAL 12.5% 33.4 24.7 25.9%
HEXATRADEX 4.0% 23.3 192 722.5%
RUCHINFRA 1.1% 10.9 12.4 13.3%
JITFINFRA 1.5% 49.2 846 1617.3%
ISIBARS 5.0% 3.75 4.41 17.6%
MANAKSTEEL 4.2% 34.8 58.5 68.2%
MODIPON 3.4% 52.4 45.2 13.6%
PARABDRUGS 0% 8.85 5.5 37.9%
UNITEDPOLY 3.4% 9.58 88.2 820.5%
ONELIFECAP 1.9% 135 17.7 86.9%
SPCENET 0.3% 1.35 32.4 2298.5%
GRAVITA 0.1% 58.6 1,475 2415.1%
RMMIL 0% 1 0.4 60.0%