Db International Asia Limited · @db.international.asia1 · 0 Followers
11.8% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (23 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
HDFCBANK 0.0% 476 1,465 207.7%
YESBANK 1.5% 155 23.4 84.9%
RECLTD 0.1% 124 544 340.8%
STAR 0.2% 1,039 871 16.1%
APOLLOHOSP 0.1% 1,258 5,957 373.6%
TATAMTRDVR 0.6% 338 640 89.4%
PCJEWELLER 0.1% 217 50.1 76.9%
SEQUENT 0.2% 179 116 35.1%
FSL 1.0% 34.7 197 467.1%
UNOMINDA 0.4% 73.4 747 917.7%
ASTRAZEN -0.0% 860 5,757 569.1%
JINDALSTEL 0.1% 67.6 1,016 1403.8%
SOUTHBANK 0.3% 24.7 28 13.2%
INFIBEAM 1.1% 33.7 32.8 2.7%
INDIACEM 1.2% 99.2 214 115.4%
COFORGE 0.4% 458 4,731 932.6%
IBREALEST 1.7% 67.7 127 87.6%
HEG 2.9% 653 2,484 280.5%
PVRINOX -0.0% 1,332 1,325 0.6%
VAKRANGEE 0.3% 38.5 25 35.2%
VENKEYS 0.8% 260 1,801 591.9%
ANSALAPI 0% 23.9 9.42 60.5%
ECLERX 3.9% 967 2,366 144.6%