Db International Stock Brokers Limited · @db.international.stock · 0 Followers
24.3% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (16 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
BAJAJHIND 0.6% 16.2 40.7 151.6%
COFFEEDAY 2.7% 71.1 53.4 24.9%
HINDMOTORS 4.5% 22.1 31.5 42.8%
BIOFILCHEM 1.0% 83.9 69.1 17.7%
INDBANK 1.4% 37.3 49.1 31.7%
TALWALKARS 0% 42.4 1.45 96.6%
MAGNUM 5.0% 45.7 53.5 16.9%
TARMAT 5.0% 131 80.8 38.3%
KHAITANLTD 2.7% 95.2 77.4 18.7%
OMKARCHEM 2.0% 39.1 7.09 81.9%
PNC 2.9% 49.6 67.9 36.9%
TIJARIA 3.6% 9.99 16.6 66.0%
ANMOL 1.7% 62.3 34.8 44.0%
BANARBEADS 1.5% 68.7 105 52.5%
INDLMETER 0% 19.7 6.06 69.3%
ORTINLAB 0.4% 47.6 20.8 56.4%