Dhanesh Tk · @dhanesh · 2 Followers
16.5% IRR
Member since June 21, 2017
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@dhanesh shares his portfolio only with followers.
Watchlist (9 stocks)
Company LTP Change
DLF 829.6 2.1%
PRESTIGE 1833.9 0.8%
GODREJPROP 3127.0 0.9%
OBEROIRLTY 1784.2 3.2%
DBL 517.1 0.3%
SOBHA 1792.4 3.6%
SUNPHARMA 1713.6 2.9%
HINDUNILVR 2711.8 0.1%
OFSS 11084.1 -0.0%
Followers (2)
Following (1)