Dheeraj Kumar Lohia · @dheeraj.kumar.lohia · 0 Followers
17.0% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Textiles & Apparels
Metals & Mining
Building Materials
Portfolio (18 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
KAMDHENU 1.2% 146 551 279.0%
JASCHIND 5.0% 180 169 6.2%
EIMCOELECO 2.9% 349 2,605 645.4%
LOVABLE 2.0% 97.4 134 37.7%
KRONECOMM 1.0% 314 2,170 590.9%
MBIND 0.1% 145 342 135.4%
SAVERA 9.9% 62.5 137 120.1%
RISHIPACK 1.1% 31.9 56.1 75.7%
KERNEX 0.9% 40.4 425 952.8%
RAMAVISION 1.6% 18.5 101 443.8%
KLRF 2.0% 71.8 211 194.1%
PEARLPOLY 1.1% 13.3 31.7 138.2%
SHETRON 1.7% 44.6 114 155.8%
ORIENTALTL 2.9% 10.3 12.1 17.5%
TREJHARA 2.0% 11.4 183 1500.0%
AUSTINENGG 1.7% 91.8 229 149.3%
CEENIKEXPO 4.4% 15.9 854 5282.5%
KHAITANLTD 2.7% 14 77.4 453.4%