Dilipkumar Lakhi · @dilipkumar.lakhi · 2 Followers
23.1% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (17 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
REMIMETAL 4.0% 18.1 55.4 207.1%
UNITECH 2.2% 7.14 10.4 46.4%
RELIGARE 4.1% 58.2 271 366.1%
ANDHRAPAP 3.0% 351 104 70.4%
WELENT 0.6% 60.5 571 842.6%
GOCLCORP 1.8% 307 420 36.9%
NDLVENTURE 2.6% 366 110 69.9%
ASTRAMICRO 2.8% 119 880 640.7%
DHANBANK 2.3% 40.7 36.9 9.3%
ZEEMEDIA 1.9% 18.2 13 28.6%
TRF 1.1% 428 493 15.2%
HSCL 0.5% 15 660 4298.5%
AROGRANITE 4.3% 61.2 56.4 7.8%
CEREBRAINT 2.0% 32.5 13 60.0%
PREMEXPLN 1.8% 88.8 536 503.4%
DNAMEDIA 1.8% 9.03 6.14 32.0%
ALMONDZ 5.0% 9.5 30.9 225.2%
Followers (2)