Directors · @directors · 0 Followers
1.1% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (24 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
MINDTREE 0% 765 3,433 348.8%
STAR 5.6% 1,267 875 30.9%
MEP 0.7% 51.5 8.24 84.0%
REPRO 0.4% 381 783 105.5%
IDEA 0.5% 154 13.2 91.4%
IPCALAB 0.9% 365 1,276 249.3%
SHILPAMED 2.3% 462 519 12.4%
ACLGATI 1.6% 142 106 25.8%
KSB 5.5% 598 4,824 706.7%
ZODIACLOTH 0.4% 258 113 56.3%
VIPIND 0.4% 83.1 504 506.7%
HINDPETRO 2.7% 174 507 191.0%
INDIACEM 0.6% 85.4 209 144.4%
BGRENERGY 5.0% 112 43 61.5%
CUMMINSIND 3.2% 1,104 3,685 233.8%
PNC 1.5% 25.6 59.3 131.5%
HATHWAY 1.4% 37 20.9 43.6%
NITINFIRE 0% 40.8 1.85 95.5%
KRIDHANINF 4.8% 99.6 4.14 95.8%
LINDEINDIA 6.2% 303 8,780 2797.0%
MANUGRAPH 2.3% 30.9 23.2 25.1%
HIRECT 2.7% 85.2 710 732.3%
ABFRL 1.9% 225 263 17.2%
STINDIA 0% 10 2.85 71.5%