Dream Achiever Consultancy Services Private Limited · @dream.achiever.consultancy · 0 Followers
17.3% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Portfolio (11 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
GOCLCORP 0.8% 495 423 14.5%
SALASAR 1.9% 32.2 19.6 39.3%
BLBLIMITED 2.0% 22.5 20.4 9.3%
HITECH 0.7% 75.9 197 159.1%
LKPMERFIN 2.7% 225 215 4.5%
MANAKSIA 0.5% 112 103 8.7%
IITL 2.0% 103 300 191.0%
CINELINE 0.8% 112 118 5.6%
NECCLTD 5.0% 29.8 30.8 3.6%
ADROITINFO 2.2% 28.1 18.6 33.7%
PIONEEREMB 1.0% 51.6 52 0.9%