Elm Park Fund Limited · @elm.park.fund · 1 Followers
28.9% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Metals & Mining
Building Materials
Textiles & Apparels
Portfolio (16 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
JSLHISAR 0% 99.6 561 463.2%
INDIACEM 3.3% 99.3 284 185.8%
CHOLAHLDNG 10.9% 356 1,609 351.5%
CREST 3.2% 302 396 31.3%
THEINVEST 0.1% 94.2 156 65.5%
ICIL 14.1% 66.4 445 570.1%
ANANTRAJ 3.2% 230 444 93.1%
GTLINFRA 4.9% 2.4 3.43 42.9%
JSL 1.0% 38.8 814 1997.2%
JCT 4.9% 4.72 2.33 50.6%
MEP 2.0% 77.1 8.01 89.6%
SRIPIPES 0% 153 201 31.4%
MANGLMCEM 2.1% 308 894 189.8%
FILATEX 2.4% 2.9 59.1 1935.1%
THIRUSUGAR 0% 40.8 6.8 83.3%
UMESLTD 6.1% 3.3 5.56 68.5%
Followers (1)