Eq India Fund · @eq.india.fund5 · 0 Followers
20.5% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Consumer Durables
Portfolio (17 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
IONEXCHANG 2.0% 187 509 172.5%
HAWKINCOOK 3.1% 5,332 6,246 17.1%
KAYA 1.5% 1,060 352 66.8%
ATFL 1.8% 646 708 9.6%
RPSGVENT 0.1% 293 632 115.4%
HINDWAREAP 1.5% 148 346 134.2%
ZEEMEDIA 1.6% 9 12.3 36.8%
ACLGATI 0.3% 47.7 107 123.9%
HPL 2.4% 48.8 388 695.8%
SDBL 0.6% 68.1 295 332.6%
LIBERTSHOE 3.9% 225 327 45.4%
OMINFRAL 0.6% 62.2 127 103.6%
PDSL 0.1% 47 440 835.0%
BCLIND 2.3% 128 56.3 56.1%
GPTINFRA 1.0% 62.9 215 241.8%
VADILALIND 2.8% 590 4,713 698.5%
SHALPAINTS 0.5% 89.8 159 77.2%