Equity Intelligence India Private Limited [P M S] · @equity.intelligence.india · 0 Followers
26.4% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Portfolio (25 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
ZEEMEDIA 5.8% 48.8 15.6 68.0%
KAYA 10.0% 905 552 39.0%
SHALPAINTS 0.4% 158 153 3.0%
LTFOODS 2.8% 25 260 938.2%
KOKUYOCMLN 0% 93.7 155 65.5%
WABAG 1.1% 503 1,316 161.6%
SELAN 3.6% 297 749 152.3%
PRAXIS 2.0% 154 14.4 90.7%
ASHAPURMIN 1.4% 90.1 426 372.6%
SHALBY 12.0% 117 311 165.8%
THEJO 3.9% 381 3,442 804.3%
ORIENTBELL 2.1% 79.4 420 428.6%
JUBLINDS 0.2% 239 1,595 567.1%
ARCHIES -0.0% 30.2 25.9 14.4%
AJMERA 0.6% 140 723 414.3%
OMINFRAL 1.3% 45.5 170 274.5%
GINNIFILA 2.3% 49.2 33.2 32.5%
ARVSMART 2.3% 65.9 716 986.2%
MAXVIL 0% 51.2 216 320.8%
SAKSOFT 0.7% 26.7 285 965.5%
ASPINWALL 0.5% 176 278 57.6%
HPL 0.9% 148 452 204.8%
PALREDTEC 2.0% 100 108 7.5%
IZMO 5.3% 49.7 413 731.0%
LIBERTSHOE 3.3% 247 426 72.9%