Foreign National · @foreign.national · 0 Followers
16.0% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Portfolio (18 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
LT 0.1% 1,034 3,631 251.2%
ULTRACEMCO 0.9% 2,816 11,585 311.3%
MPHASIS 0.7% 416 2,611 527.4%
VXLINSTR 4.3% 11.2 5.28 52.7%
STLTECH 0.5% 89 140 57.2%
TIDEWATER 1.6% 1,122 2,400 113.9%
AARTIIND 1.8% 141 709 402.7%
HDFCBANK 0.8% 549 1,635 197.7%
SBIN 0.4% 240 856 256.8%
INDIACEM 2.7% 85.4 277 224.5%
CGPOWER 0.3% 174 769 341.5%
INDHOTEL 0.8% 88.2 609 589.8%
CHOLAFIN 1.2% 222 1,414 538.1%
DVL 2.4% 92.7 356 284.1%
DTIL 1.8% 154 209 36.0%
UNIONBANK 1.8% 182 133 26.9%
DHUNINV 0.3% 137 1,352 885.0%
MBECL 2.1% 98.8 4.8 95.1%