Graviton Research Capital Llp · · 6 Followers
18.6% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Metals & Mining
Consumer Durables
Portfolio (29 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
INDIACEM 1.4% 361 362 0.4%
HINDCOPPER 1.6% 256 330 28.5%
DIXON 1.8% 13,218 13,994 5.9%
BALRAMCHIN 1.7% 610 594 2.7%
CANFINHOME 1.3% 554 864 55.9%
COFORGE 0.4% 4,568 6,942 52.0%
ZEEL 1.6% 164 128 22.1%
NCC 3.1% 22.9 315 1274.5%
IRCTC 1.1% 813 894 9.9%
CROMPTON 0.6% 387 447 15.5%
JUSTDIAL 0.7% 391 1,182 201.9%
EQUITAS 0% 56.5 120 112.0%
ARVIND 1.5% 109 400 267.4%
NIITLTD 2.0% 173 175 1.7%
ESCORTS 6.8% 1,740 4,078 134.4%
URJA 1.0% 11.9 20.7 74.1%
JETAIRWAYS 1.8% 258 40 84.5%
SANCO 0% 15.3 9.2 39.8%
NUCLEUS 0.3% 1,519 1,276 16.0%
ESTER 0.7% 145 168 15.6%
KAYA 2.4% 359 461 28.6%
SMLISUZU 2.2% 2,273 1,940 14.7%
DSSL 1.7% 1,258 1,449 15.2%
MKPL 1.3% 16.8 9.22 45.1%
HINDOILEXP 0.3% 268 238 11.0%
SHALPAINTS 0.7% 204 141 30.7%
HERITGFOOD 5.0% 452 599 32.5%
GOKULAGRO 0.5% 218 273 25.3%
HERANBA 2.1% 465 494 6.1%
Followers (6)