Grd Securities Limited · @grd.securities · 0 Followers
5.1% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Portfolio (17 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
MMWL 2.7% 13.5 15.7 16.2%
HFCL 3.0% 21.3 153 616.8%
ASIANTILES 3.3% 282 87.8 68.9%
NDTV 1.3% 26.3 197 645.9%
ORIENTCER 3.7% 27.1 55.3 104.0%
WEBELSOLAR 5.0% 45.1 1,092 2322.6%
CINELINE 1.4% 54.8 124 126.1%
POWERMECH 3.6% 627 6,292 903.3%
SHANKARA 2.6% 601 575 4.4%
RSSOFTWARE 1.2% 112 300 166.7%
ARSSINFRA 0.5% 86 19.5 77.3%
TITAGARH 1.0% 115 1,399 1112.7%
DWARKESH 3.0% 35 72.1 105.7%
LALPATHLAB 0.8% 770 3,380 338.8%
RIIL 1.6% 453 1,165 157.3%
TOKYOPLAST 2.9% 29 136 367.9%
BHARATGEAR 0.3% 84.8 109 28.7%