Hardik Bharat Patel · @hardik.bharat.patel · 1 Followers
12.3% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Portfolio (22 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
GRWRHITECH 5.9% 849 2,482 192.5%
SPIC 0.6% 42.6 84.1 97.6%
RUBFILINTL 0.5% 92.4 81.8 11.5%
ZUARI 1.7% 129 226 75.2%
MANGLMCEM 2.2% 150 894 496.5%
HIL 1.3% 623 2,912 367.5%
JISLJALEQS 0.6% 13.3 76.2 471.6%
KESORAMIND 2.7% 51.3 216 320.3%
BBL 4.2% 562 4,849 762.3%
TNPL 0.7% 123 274 122.9%
GSFC 1.6% 78.8 246 212.4%
CENTUM 0.4% 677 1,650 143.6%
HTMEDIA 3.1% 27.4 27.8 1.2%
RSWM 4.5% 103 219 113.3%
SAURASHCEM 1.2% 76.2 136 78.7%
BIRLATYRE 0% 14.2 5.43 61.9%
DOLPHIN 0.1% 13 701 5284.0%
JINDALPHOT 1.4% 335 880 162.9%
MANUGRAPH 3.2% 48.3 22.1 54.2%
BRIGHTBROS 0.3% 159 150 6.2%
ESSENTIA 1.9% 0.47 4.07 756.8%
SHRERAJSYN 4.9% 4.3 9.81 128.1%
Followers (1)