Hsbc Global Investment Funds - Asia Ex Japan Equity Smaller Companies · · 0 Followers
21.2% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (23 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
SUZLON 1.8% 19.2 56.9 196.1%
CESC 1.6% 72.5 167 130.7%
CRAFTSMAN 0.0% 1,449 5,192 258.3%
REPCOHOME 1.1% 691 404 41.6%
GUJALKALI 3.1% 749 713 4.8%
ALLCARGO 1.6% 170 45.3 73.4%
JKTYRE 2.2% 145 363 149.4%
POONAWALLA 2.2% 160 307 91.2%
STOVEKRAFT 3.6% 930 837 10.0%
UNOMINDA 1.5% 52 1,052 1924.3%
STARCEMENT 2.8% 106 211 99.1%
PTC 2.5% 74.6 135 80.6%
NAVINFLUOR 4.9% 627 3,637 479.7%
GPIL 2.4% 107 192 80.5%
AHLUCONT 1.6% 318 911 186.5%
SANDHAR 1.4% 297 477 60.5%
SJS 2.6% 600 1,063 77.2%
SOBHA 3.5% 314 1,335 325.2%
KEI 0.8% 287 4,163 1351.4%
NIITLTD 4.2% 83.2 174 109.5%
KHADIM 0.9% 687 354 48.5%
POWERMECH 2.0% 558 2,691 382.2%
DHAMPURSUG 1.3% 122 150 23.1%