Icg Q Limited · @icg.q · 0 Followers
30.6% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Building Materials
Portfolio (9 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
RKFORGE 0.7% 83.2 1,024 1131.2%
SKIPPER 0.5% 79.1 570 621.0%
BAJAJCON 0.8% 147 229 56.0%
SAGCEM 0.6% 128 224 74.8%
KITEX 0.4% 242 508 109.9%
NEULANDLAB 6.3% 545 14,440 2550.0%
PSPPROJECT 0.5% 200 649 225.2%
GOODLUCK 0.8% 93.4 1,051 1025.2%
ARIHANT 2.0% 34 582 1612.8%