Idbi Bank Limited · · 0 Followers
-3.7% IRR · Invests via Bulk / Block Deal
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Capital Allocation
Portfolio (27 stocks)
Company Daily ABP LTP Change
RENUKA 0.3% 16 47.2 194.2%
SEPC 5.2% 31.2 30.9 1.0%
GTLINFRA 4.8% 7.15 2.39 66.6%
HCC 4.3% 41.9 41.9 -0.0%
3IINFOLTD 1.3% 4.87 32.7 571.0%
BAJAJHIND 2.9% 14.9 37.7 153.0%
PUNALKALI 2.8% 96.8 43.1 55.5%
SREERAYALK 3.4% 81.2 93.4 15.0%
RNAVAL 0% 40.2 2.27 94.4%
PATELENG 2.0% 12.5 57.6 361.0%
LLOYDSENGG 1.7% 2.6 77.2 2869.6%
RTNPOWER 2.5% 5.3 14.9 182.1%
IL&FSENGG 2.0% 91.2 39.7 56.5%
GREENPOWER 2.3% 16.9 20.5 21.6%
JUBLINGREA 2.8% 269 755 181.0%
ELNET 1.6% 129 365 183.5%
CCCL 5.0% 5.44 22.5 313.3%
HINDMOTORS 0.7% 7.85 28 256.7%
GKWLIMITED 0% 579 659 14.0%
GEMSPIN 0% 7.32 4.12 43.7%
GTL 5.7% 16.4 12.8 22.0%
VASCONEQ 3.1% 19.4 66.7 243.1%
PBAINFRA 2.5% 15.3 19 24.4%
GOVINRUBER 0% 2.78 2.78 0.0%
SHREEKRPOL 0% 0.26 0.33 26.9%
ROYALCUSHN 2.0% 10.5 31.4 198.8%
GALPOWTEL 0% 4 2.83 29.2%